


Up Coming PTSA Events 



Football Tailgate Party

Every year, LCHS PTSA, LCHS7/8 PTA and Boosters organize a fun Tailgate BBQ at the start of football season. Families gather outside the football field as we play games, listen to a great DJ and enjoy delicious freshly prepared burgers from The Habit. A spirit tunnel is created by those present and our teams run through it and onto the field to kick off the Spartan athletics season. Tailgate is a membership event for both organizations and we encourage everyone to attend and support our important organizations.


The 2023 Tailgate will be held prior to the LCHS Homecoming game on Friday, October 13th, 2023. Parent volunteers are needed to make this fun event a success. Go to the Spartan Order Form to purchase food tickets in advance and sign up to volunteer.

Between the Varsity Baseball Field & Spartan Stadium
Friday, October 13, 2023 5:00pm

Why join the PTSA?

The La Cañada High School PTSA connects parents to principals, teachers and student leadership by building strong educational partnerships. When you purchase an annual PTSA membership, you become a part of a bigger movement to benefit our kids and support families!

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Important News

Check-In Policy for Visitors on Campus:

A safety policy is in place for all visitors/volunteers coming onto the LCHS campus. Visitors and Volunteers need to sign in at the front office and get a visitor badge before entering the school. Please note, if you are attending a PTSA Meeting you may proceed directly to the meeting and sign-in at the meeting. Any visitors on campus without a badge may be asked to leave.