Dear Family,
Happy Halloween! I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween night! It’s a fun night for kids of all ages and it is great that our community supports this annual tradition with elaborate decorations and lots of candy!
Last week was Red Ribbon Week, the annual event that focuses on raising awareness of the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Our theme was Choices Matter and each day students were given the opportunity to participate in challenges designed to demonstrate the effects of substances on their abilities to do simple tasks, they were engaged in conversations about making good choices, and attended grade level specific assemblies.
11-12 th graders heard from Laura Stack from Johnny’s Ambassadors and 9-10 th graders heard from a former school law enforcement resource officer on the negative impacts of marijuana use on teenagers. I would like to thank our PTSA RRW Committee Chair Sheila Dunbar, Deputy Renee Wachter, Mr. Cartnal and all the volunteers for their efforts to make this an impactful week for our students.
Please read below for important information about what is happening on campus, including reminders about school pick-up and drop-off procedures and other traffic safety information.
Have a great week! Please reach out with any questions to
Warm Regards,
Christine Chant, LCHS PTSA President