Originally delivered on 11/1/2023 10:35 am

SUBJECT: LCHS 9-12 PTSA: All the News You Need!

President's Message

Dear Family,

Happy Halloween! I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween night! It’s a fun night for kids of all ages and it is great that our community supports this annual tradition with elaborate decorations and lots of candy!

Last week was Red Ribbon Week, the annual event that focuses on raising awareness of the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Our theme was Choices Matter and each day students were given the opportunity to participate in challenges designed to demonstrate the effects of substances on their abilities to do simple tasks, they were engaged in conversations about making good choices, and attended grade level specific assemblies.

 11-12 th graders heard from Laura Stack from Johnny’s Ambassadors and 9-10 th graders heard from a former school law enforcement resource officer on the negative impacts of marijuana use on teenagers. I would like to thank our PTSA RRW Committee Chair Sheila Dunbar, Deputy Renee Wachter, Mr. Cartnal and all the volunteers for their efforts to make this an impactful week for our students.

Please read below for important information about what is happening on campus, including reminders about school pick-up and drop-off procedures and other traffic safety information.

Have a great week! Please reach out with any questions to ptapresesident@lchsptsa.org.

Warm Regards,     

Christine Chant, LCHS PTSA President

PTSA General Meeting - Thursday, Nov. 16th

Our next PTSA meeting will be on Thursday, November 16th at 8:45am in the Staff Lounge. There will be coffee and light snacks served!

If you can't be there in person, then you can  join us via Zoom! Just click here to register and you will be sent all the details on joining the call.

Parent Meeting: Boys Lacrosse - Nov. 6th at 6:30pm

Come on out to our first parent meeting of the year! Learn about the LC program, meet Coach Mac, and find out more information on how to get involved with LCHS Spartans Lacrosse for the Spring 2024 season and beyond. We look forward to meeting you!

Monday, November 6, 6:30-7:30pm in the IRC

If you can’t attend but are looking for more information on the upcoming season, please reach out to Coach Mac at jewettlacrosse@gmail.com, or to the Parent Association at LCSpartansLAX@gmail.com with any questions. Go Spartans!

Important Traffic Information!

At the last PTSA meeting, Officer Renee Wachter reminded parents about the rules for drop off and pick up at LCHS. Here are some highlights of her presentation:

After school there is NO pick-up from the red curb on Oak Grove. It is very dangerous to stop your vehicle at a green light if there are no cars in front of you and all the cars behind you are expecting you to go on green. This is a perfect way to get rear-ended. It is even more dangerous to have students entering a stopped vehicle on a green light and have the possibility of getting rear-ended while the student is entering the vehicle. 

When exiting ANY driveway, please stop BEFORE the sidewalk and look both ways for pedestrian traffic before inching forward to look for vehicle traffic. 

There is no pick-up or drop-off in the student parking lots. The designated pick-up and drop-off areas are in front of the school off Oak Grove and the rear of the school entering from Foothill Bl onto the access road and to the 7/8 turn-around. No pick-up or drop-off south of the 7/8 turn-around.       (click here to continue reading)

Two Hours Could Save a Life!
College and Career Center Flyers
Amazon Wish Lists for Counselors and Teachers

Our Amazon Wish Lists program has been going well!  

Thank you for supporting our teachers and staff members.  Our 9-12 counselors have also created Wish Lists and would truly appreciate any support, these items will go a long way to help make their day-to-day jobs easier. You can find their Wish List links on our website at LCHS PTSA.  Scroll down the page to Staff and Programs and you’ll find each of the counselors’ names. 

When you buy items from their list, they will be shipped to the school and the teacher or counselor will be notified.  If, for any reason, you choose to buy it separately, please let them know so they can remove it from their list.

If you have any questions please contact Gisela Galan at gisgalan@protonmail.com or Christine Chant at ptapresident@lchsptsa.org

Thank you for supporting our teachers, counselors, and staff!

Founders Day Applications due Dec. 1st!

PTAs throughout California give Founders Day awards "in special recognition of outstanding service to children and youth."

The LCHS 9-12 PTSA Founders Day Awards celebrate the achievements and dedication of LCHS staff members, parent volunteers, and community members.

If you'd like to recognize a deserving teacher, staff member, parent, or community member who has gone above and beyond in their service to the school, please complete this nomination form by  clicking here.

 The deadline for submitting nominations is December 1at. The awards will be presented at a ceremony on March 14th, 2024

Please contact Caroline Anderson at Anderson9207@gmail.com with any questions.

Revolution Prep - SAT and ACT Prep

Revolution Prep is offering practice Digital SAT and ACT tests. These will be fundraisers, with all proceeds going to LCHS PTSA! 

Practice ACT:  Sat., November 4, 2023 | 9am – 1pm | Live online!

Practice Digital SAT:  Sat., November 4, 2023 | 9:00am – 12 pm | Live online!

Fee:  $20 – all proceeds go to the LCHS PTSA

Step 1: Register here: www.revolutionprep.com

Step 2: Schedule a free 30-minute score report review with a Revolution Prep testing expert to help you interpret the results and develop a customized plan to prepare. Please schedule this appointment for the few days after the exam. :

Step 3: Attend the mock exam and get your results immediately with Revolution Prep’s mobile scoring app!

Questions? If you have questions or want to learn more about Revolution Prep, you can reach out to Jean Stroud at (818) 217-0951 or by email at jean.stroud@revolutionprep.com.

Directories for Sale

If you would like a copy of the LCHS directory, we have a limited number available to purchase. 

To purchase your copy, please email Vera Ma at avmkma@gmail.com.

Celebrating our Graduating Seniors!

The Senior Activities Committee needs your help celebrating the Class of 2024. If you would like to donate prizes or unique experiences to be raffled and won by Senior Spartans throughout the year, or if you are a parent of a Senior and would like to join the Senior Activities Committee to help plan fun events and giveaways, please contact Rachel Chan Woodruff & Catherine Rayer, Chairs of the Senior Activities Committee. 

Senior Activities news will be posted on the PTSA website and the first Senior Newsletter will be posted in November. You can also join the "Class of 2024 LCHS Senior Parents" facebook page to stay up to date on all the fun senior activities this year!

Rachel Chan Woodruff - rchan2006@gmail.com

Catherine Rayer - crayerlchs@gmail.com

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