The following slate for the 2024-25 La Cañada High School PTSA Executive Board was presented at the general meeting on February 15, 2024 by the nominating committee. Voting will take place at the annual election meeting on March 21, 2024. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the annual election meeting. If there is only one nominee for any office, the ballot for that office may be dispensed with and the election held by voice vote.
Position Name
President Valerie Talbert
1st VP, Programs Keisha Wilcox* with assistant, Sheila Dunbar*
2nd VP, Ways and Means Karen Clark* with assistant DeDe Cook
3rd VP, Volunteers Lynley Gross with assistant Joyce Mayne
4th VP, Communications Christina Conwell*
5th VP, Hospitality Natascha Gundersen* with assistant Christa Evans
6th VP, Membership Holly Biondo* with assistant Jamie Abrahamian*
Recording Secretary Patty Whong*
Corresponding Secretary Tiffany Petroc
EVP Vera Ma
Treasurer Cathy Kleineahlbrandt*
Financial Secretary Connie Millar with assistant Desiree Dzirgout
Auditor Rose Park*
Historian Caroline Anderson*
Parliamentarian Christine Chant
*returning for a second year