Up Coming PTSA Events
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1
- Wednesday, April 2
- Thursday, April 3
- Friday, April 4
Reflections 2024-2025
Let your creativity shine! All LCHS students are invited to explore their creativity and submit original artwork for the 2024-2025 Reflections arts recognition program. This year’s program theme is “Accepting Imperfection” The Reflections program is a national arts recognition and achievement program for students. Since 1969, over 10 million students across the nation have taken part in this popular PTA program that is open to students of all grades and abilities.
The Reflections program provides an excellent opportunity for students of all ages to:
• Unleash their creative talents and be inspired
• Express themselves imaginatively in their artwork
• Experience the joy and fun of making art
• Tap into critical thinking skills to create art inspired by the annual theme
• Receive positive recognition for their original works of art
Arts Categories
Your child can submit in any or all of the following categories (please refer to the official rules for descriptions of each category):
Dance Choreography Film Production
Literature Music Composition
Photography Visual Arts
To allow student artworks to be recognized and judged with the appropriate developmental age and skill levels in mind, the Reflections Program is organized by school grade, offering five divisions two of which LCHS students may qualify for.
- Special Artist – All grades. Students who identify as having a disability and may receive services under IDEA or ADA: Section 504 may enter in the Special Artist Division or grade division most closely aligned to their functional abilities. The Special Artist Division welcomes all grades and all abilities and offers non-artistic accommodations for students to participate fully in PTA Reflections. Please refer to the official rules for Special Artist Division entry requirements.
Review Criteria
Student submissions will be judged based on the following criteria:
- Interpretation: How closely the piece relates to the theme, based on the artwork itself and the artist statement.
- Creativity: How creative and original the piece is in its conception of the theme and its presentation.
- Technique: The level of skill demonstrated in the basic principles/techniques of the arts area.
***2024 DEADLINE is 3:30 pm Friday, October 25th***
Rules and Entry Forms
All students must complete the student entry form. Here are the official rules.
School Awards
Students who place 1st or 2nd in their categories will receive certificates of achievement. Winners will be announced in November.
State and National Awards
Reflections is a nation-wide arts appreciation and recognition program for students sponsored by the National PTA. The program is structured for PTAs to recognize students at the school, council, district, state and national PTA levels. To take part, student entries are first recognized, judged and celebrated by their school. Selected entries are then chosen to represent the PTA at each subsequent level (council, region, state). Once entries reach the state level, the state PTA may select entries to submit to the National PTA. Student artwork submitted to California State PTA by a district PTA will be considered for an Award of Excellence and an Award of Merit.
If you have any questions, please contact reflections@lchsptsa.org.
Why join the PTSA?
The La Cañada High School PTSA connects parents to principals, teachers and student leadership by building strong educational partnerships. When you purchase an annual PTSA membership, you become a part of a bigger movement to benefit our kids and support families!
Important News
Check-In Policy for Visitors on Campus:
A safety policy is in place for all visitors/volunteers coming onto the LCHS campus. Visitors and Volunteers need to sign in at the front office and get a visitor badge before entering the school. Please note, if you are attending a PTSA Meeting you may proceed directly to the meeting and sign-in at the meeting. Any visitors on campus without a badge may be asked to leave.
School Calendar
- Wednesday, March 26
- Thursday, March 27
- Friday, March 28
- Saturday, March 29
- Sunday, March 30