Up Coming PTSA Events
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Thursday, March 20
- Saturday, March 22
- Monday, March 31
For the 2024/25 school year, the PTSA is continuing the Amazon Wish List for Teachers program. Each teacher will create a list of basic items that they need for their classroom to make their day-to-day job easier. The link will be posted in their Google Classrooms and on this website shortly after the start of school. Teachers will update their list throughout the school year.
When you buy items from their list, they will be shipped to the school, removed from the wish list and the teacher will be notified. If for any reason you choose to buy it separately, please let the teacher know, so they can remove it from the wish list.
Questions? Contact wishlists@lchsptsa.org or our PTSA President, president@lchsptsa.org, or the teacher.
2024-25 LCHS 9-12 Teacher wish List
Electives and CTE
Jeff Brookey - Choral Music
Kim Crosby
- facial tissue
Mike Kauffman
Munday, Stone, Svetich - Instrumental Music
Melanie Sos (see World Languages for German)
Anthony Zichella - Culinary Arts
Amanda Hernandez
Brian Redmond
David Romero
Victor Torres
Anthony Carruthers
Anthony Keithley - Computer Science
Juan Nunez
David Oshiro
Physical Education & Athletics
Sarah Beattie - Athletic Director
Annie Hokanson
Kevin Mathews
Michael Sandoval
Alex Valadez
Social Science
Nathan Bernstein
Joann Cho
- facial tissue
Jordan Ervin
Amanda Hernandez AP Psychology
Amanda Hernandez Social Science
Bill Lively
Austin Tannous
Special Education
Heather Applegate
Laura Deans
Michelle Laska
World Languages
Leslie Turnipseed
Claire Yoon
Staff & Programs
College & Career Center (Kelly Proctor and Lisa Chung)
Wellness Center (Rachel Zooi)
- calming tea flavors
- essential oils
- facial tissue
Melissa Kukta E-K
Susan Maljian L-Q
Kandy Basmajian R-Z
Information Resource Center (Danielle Murr-Pinsker)
LCHS 7/8 Teacher Wishlists
Tissues are always needed! Send via Amazon or Drop off in the office.
Thank you for supporting our Teachers, Staff & Programs
Why join the PTSA?
The La Cañada High School PTSA connects parents to principals, teachers and student leadership by building strong educational partnerships. When you purchase an annual PTSA membership, you become a part of a bigger movement to benefit our kids and support families!
Important News
Check-In Policy for Visitors on Campus:
A safety policy is in place for all visitors/volunteers coming onto the LCHS campus. Visitors and Volunteers need to sign in at the front office and get a visitor badge before entering the school. Please note, if you are attending a PTSA Meeting you may proceed directly to the meeting and sign-in at the meeting. Any visitors on campus without a badge may be asked to leave.
School Calendar
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12